Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
ROAD 2 NATURAL: Products!
I went to Sally's, my local beauty supply (NIXI), and Target this week to buy some products to kind of get me started on my "ROAD 2 NATURAL!".
I talked to some hair professionals and they recommended some of these products for me to try on my natural hair. They said that while transitioning, you should treat ALL of you hair as though it is already in its natural state, even the relaxed ends. When my hair gets to a length I can work with, I will cut my relaxed ends off! :-) No "Big Chop" necessary!
Anywhoo, here are the products I am going to try:
I've heard alot of good reviews about the "DOO GRO" line and thought maybe I should try it, since I DOO want my hair to GRO! (get it? DOO GRO!....lol)
I got the Anti-itch Growth Oil
and the Mega Thick Anti Thinning Formula for my temples and edges when I get twists or braids
I've always used products by Organic Root Stimulator so I picked up these:
Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner
Coconut Oil for styling
I've also read that Aphogee products are rich in protein and good for a deep conditioning, so I picked up the Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor for my breakage and chemical damage
The stylist at Sally's told me that she mixes the Aphogee 2 Min. Reconstructor and the Olive Oil Conditioner together and lets it sit on her hair for 15 minutes under a plastic cap. I think I'll try it.
My hair will love me! :-).......at least let's hope so!
-The Duchess
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Duchess Presents: HAIR on the CHEAP! "Quickweaves"
If you follow me on twitter, you know that I have been really into QUICKWEAVES lately. WAIT! Before you go frowning ya nose at me, let me explain what it is!
A quickweave is exactly that, A QUICK WEAVE, tracks bonded w/ weave glue to a wig cap over your braided or molded hair. The style lasts any where from 1 week-1 month, depending on upkeep. Take it down by applying conditioner to the GLUE and GENTLY massage and pull the tracks out, or remove with BOND REMOVER, found at any beauty supply store. This style can cost any where from $25-$45, anybody who charges over this is BULLSHI**IN! LOL
EASY and SAFE right?!
Here are some of my quickweave looks!
Asymetrical "BOB"
My current look: RED Asymetrical "BOB"
*Sidenote: This style REALLY helps with your transition to natural hair because NONE of your hair is out, giving it the freedom to GROW! :-)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
ROAD 2 NATURAL: To be or not to be...
I have been going back and forth in my head about this decision.
I've always been scared to go natural because my hair is SUPER thick and it will truly be a pain in the ass to maintain.
All that doesn't matter now.
I do NOT want long term damage done by continuing to RELAX my hair.
In my short 3 months as a cosmetology student, I have ALREADY heard so many HORROR stories from girls at my school, about their hair FALLING out, or their stylists having to CUT ALL their hair OFF, due to bad relaxers and color and heat styling. I see girls at my school DAMAGING their hair everyday and wonder why they HAVE NO HAIR!
I don't want to ruin my crown of glory anymore.
If natural is the way to go to do so, then SO BE IT!
I watched "GOOD HAIR" by Chris Rock about a month ago and it SCARED me straight (or should I say "curly" LOL).
They showed how relaxers have so many HARMFUL chemicals in them and then a scientist did a demonstration on how the relaxer can deteriorate a coke can!
I know there are many ways of going natural, such as the BIG CHOP (going completely bald or extra SHORT! eh.....NEH!), and growing out your relaxer (which is what I'm going to do)
Guess I'll have to invest in a lot of natural hair care products, and keep my hair in natural styles (twists, braids, maybe weaves? IDK!)
It'll be worth it in the long run though! I KNOW!
I'm already 1 month without a perm, so I'll keep on this ROAD 2 NATURAL!!
PLEASE lets support each other, this is truly a journey and it's better to have a support system!!
:-) MUAH!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
::::Earthly Body::::

Hey Everybody!!!!
It has been a LONNNNG time since I've done a post, but I have a little time on my hands so I made a video and this post!! (check BELOW for the video.) Anywhoo, I want to tell you guys about a product that I recently fell in LOVE with!! The brand is called "Earthly Body" and all the products are made from HEMP SEED. The website gives you an EXTENSIVE look into the use of hemp seed and oil, for all my people who like to "be in the know!" (http://www.earthlybody.com/)
I was recently at an Armstrong McCall hair show in Houston, and I first found these products in the VALUE section @ the back of the convention. I got a MAJOR deal on the lotions at only 1.00 a piece!! Original price: $5.99 CAN WE SAY STEAL???!!!! I got two scents: Dreamsickle and Skinny Dip. HEAVENLY fragrances and they have done wonders for my sensitive skin!
I don't know if they are available in stores but you can definitely order these lotions among other products @ the website listed above! Of course, all lotion and skin and body products aren't for everybody, I'm just telling you what works for me!!!
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